
Tuesday 11 November 2014

Trasnsaction Commit and Rollbcak in SQL Server

Trasnsaction Commit and Rollbcak in SQL Server :

Generally Trasnsaction Commit and Rollbcak is used in SQL Server when user want to perform Add, Modify and Delete operation but he don't want to submit changes into the database until last statement execute successfully. Means the situation where either all or nothing. Following store procedure is used to perform Add, Modify and Delete operation on VisitorsPurpose table. Here OperationType 1 is used to perform Add operation. OperationType 2 is used to perform Modify operation and OperationType 3 is used to perform delete operation. Here begin tran is used to begin the transaction. User can give any transaction name but it must start with begin keyword followed by transaction name. Here I given tran as a transaction name. After completion of all the operation successfully if @ErrorCode variable contains zero as a ErrorCode value then commit tran is used which commits all changes into the database. To commit transaction use commit keyword followed transaction name which is begin last. If @ErrorCode variable contains non zero as a ErrorCode value then rollback tran which is used to undo all the operations performed within the trasaction. To rollback transaction use rollback keyword followed by last begin transaction. Also in insert statement I used with (ROWLOCK) keyword it means I want to insert only single record at a time. If more than one records come at the same time then second record has to wait until first records gets inserted. It is used to avoid deadlock conditions but this may degreed performance.

Create procedure [dbo].[SpAmdPurpose] ( @OperationType as int --1. Add Purpose 2. Modify Purpose. 3. Delete Purpose. , @PurposeId int=0 , @PurposeName varchar(250)=null , @CreatedBy varchar(100)=null , @CreatedDate datetime=null , @ModifiedBy varchar(100) = null , @ModifiedDate datetime = null ) as begin set nocount on declare @ErrorCode as int declare @Message as varchar(max) select @ErrorCode=0 , @Message='' begin begin try begin tran --OperationType = 1 is used for adding new purpose. if(@OperationType = 1) begin insert into VisitorsPurpose with (ROWLOCK) ( PurposeName, CreatedBy, CreatedDate ) values ( @PurposeName, @CreatedBy, getdate() ) set @ErrorCode=0 set @Message='Purpose Created Successfully!' end --OperationType = 2 is used for modifying existing Purpose. else if(@OperationType=2) begin update VisitorsPurpose with (ROWLOCK) set PurposeName = @PurposeName , ModifiedBy = @ModifiedBy , ModifiedDate = getdate() where PurposeId=@PurposeId set @ErrorCode=0 set @Message='Purpose Modified Successfully!' end --OperationType = 3 is used for Deleting Purpose else if(@OperationType=3) begin if exists(select 1 from VisitorsPurpose where PurposeId=@PurposeId) begin set @ErrorCode=1 set @Message='Purpose cannot be Deleted! It is already in use.' end else begin delete from VisitorsPurpose where PurposeId=@PurposeId set @ErrorCode=0 set @Message='Purpose Deleted Successfully!' end end else begin set @ErrorCode=1 set @Message='Invalid Operation Type!' end commit tran end try begin catch select @ErrorCode=110, @Message='Operation Failed due to invalid data. Please check details.' rollback tran end catch end select @ErrorCode as [ErrorCode], @Message as [Message] set nocount off end

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